Reabre gimnasio: al menos 72 contagios por coronavirus

InicioEspecialesReabre gimnasio: al menos 72 contagios por coronavirus

A pocos días de reapertura de gimnasio, pese a estrictas medidas sanitarias, detectan al menos 72 contagios por Covid

A pesar de que se tomaron todas las medidas requeridas por el gobierno, un gimnasio en Canadá reabrió sus puertas y, a los pocos días, se registraron al menos 72 contagios por Covid-19.

El inmueble en Ontario, Canadá regresó a la actividad con medidas de seguridad como ocupar sólo el 50 por ciento de su capacidad, mantener separadas las bicicletas de spinning y limpiar todos los aparatos después de usarse. Además, el uso de cubrebocas y gel eran obligatorios para clientes y empleados.



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. 9•27•2020 ⚡️ . #HAMONT.. it’s time! ?Are you ready? . ONE RIDE. ONE RUN. ONE CHALLENGE . . **Participants- specific detailed instruction will be provided to you tomorrow. However, as a reminder: . •please arrive with what you need to ride and run. You will not be returning to the studio after the completion of your run to avoid any cohorting. @runners_den will have a table for your keys while you run. . •this is a socially distanced event, please ensure to keep 6ft from your fellow runners. If you’ve arrived with someone from your household and social bubble, you may run with them. . •Our pacer bunnies ? from @runners_den and our very own #HAMONT instructors @heather_marck_ @schnazee1 @jessicaascott @nathchartrand and @ttlj1 will be motivating you every step of the way! . . It’s COMEBACKSZN team.. can you feel it? ⚡️ . . . . . #SPINCOhamilton #TEAMSPINCO #community #challenge #COMEBACKSZN

Una publicación compartida por SPINCO HAMILTON (@spincohamilton) el

El gimnasio sólo estuvo trabajando durante siete días, hasta que se detectaron los contagios y volvieron a cerrar sus puertas.

A través de su cuenta de Instagram, SpinCo aseguró que harán todo lo posible por tener un entorno seguro y que volverán a abrir hasta que las condiciones en la ciudad sean favorables.



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Dear SPINCO FAM! . It’s Thanksgiving, and we are thankful for you. . We love you and we miss you! When we started the journey to open a SPINCO franchise in Hamilton, we had a dream of building an inclusive space for everyone to exercise! . When we got the green light to reopen in July, like everyone we were hesitant, but we took all the measures public health offered, even added a few, and still the pandemic struck us again! . It started September 28 and spread amongst specific classes until October 5th. SPINCO Hamilton has been closed from the moment the outbreak was identified. . As of today, everyone who has tested positive, are well. Our team, along side Public Health has notified everyone. . We have been following all the procedures set in place by public health. We have been in constant contact with our riders and we will continue to do so, if not daily, then every few days, with updates. . In total we have been open three and a half months if you can believe it. It seems longer. It seems like we have been a community for as long as the city existed! Something even our wildest dreams couldn’t imagine!! In 3 months, an entire community was developed and began thriving. A world of inclusivity and diversity; empowering body positive humans! The change that each of you has brought to this city and to us can not be put in words! . So we are at a point, where either we let this Pandemic own us, or we take ownership back. . We are determined to switch the script! We can and we know the power of our community. . So while we wait and remain closed, you have our commitment, that we will not re-open until It is safe to do so, we need to show our city and the rest of our province that the SPINCO community is not going anywhere! We are strong, we are tough and we fight together.. . . . . . . .

Una publicación compartida por SPINCO HAMILTON (@spincohamilton) el

En Canadá se han registrado 200 mil casos de Covid-19, con 9,700 fallecimientos, siendo Ontario la segunda ciudad más afectada, con un registro de 65,000 casos y 3,050 muertes.

También te puede interesar:

Medicamento contra la hipertensión ayuda en el combate del coronavirus

(Info: Instagram de Spinco Hamilton)

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